On Tuesday 01 September 2009 12:29:56 pm Amir Habibi wrote:
> How can I serialize a Queryset along with the related records. For
> example, in Poll and Choice case, I need each poll to have the choices
> encoded in json format.
> Thanks

you'll want to look at the docs on serialization [1], it is pretty straight 
forward, though the examples use 'xml', it does output to json data (among 
other formats) also.


It's quite simple to use, in my examples I'm using FAQ Categories and Question 
and Answers within a category.

In [1]: from django.core import serializers

In [2]: from base.models import FAQC
FAQCategory         FAQCategoryManager  

In [2]: from base.models import FAQCategory, FAQ
FAQ                 FAQCategory         FAQCategoryManager  

In [2]: from base.models import FAQCategory, FAQ

In [3]: cat = FAQ
FAQ          FAQCategory  

In [3]: cat = FAQCategory.objects.all().get(pk=1)

In [4]: cat
Out[4]: <FAQCategory: General Questions>

In [5]: faqs = FAQ.objects.all().filter(category=cat)

In [6]: faqs
Out[6]: [<FAQ: General Questions - 1. Why?>]

In [7]: json = serializers.serialize('json', faqs)

In [8]: json
Out[8]: '[{"pk": 1, "model": "base.faq", "fields": {"answer": "Because I want 
to.", "category": 1, "question": "Why?", "number": 1, "slug": "why"}}]'

you can also extend HttpResponse to return a JsonResponse:

# as seen on: http://toys.jacobian.org/presentations/2007/oscon/tutorial/#s67
class JSONResponse(HttpResponse):
  def __init__(self, data):
    HttpResponse.__init__(self, data, mimetype="application/json")

In your view code just return this, using the serialized data from above:

def ajaxview(request):
        cat = FAQCategory.objects.all().get(pk=1)
        faqs = FAQ.objects.all().filter(category=cat)
        json = serializers.serialize('json', faqs)
        return JSONResponse(json)

hope this helps,

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