I am attempting to parse a json string passed to my view via a form
post.   A simple example of my json structure is as follows (indented
for readability):

                        {"stt":1, "end":2, "ttl":"test row - gr1 ga1
ta1",  "own":"Tim Johnson"},
                        {"stt":2, "end":3, "ttl":"my row (g1 t2)",
"own":"John Doe"},
                        {"stt":1, "end":2, "ttl":"test row - gr1 ga1
ta3", "own":"Mary Smith"}
                        {"stt":1, "end":2, "ttl":"My 4th task",
"own":"Eric Johnson"},
                        {"stt":1, "end":2, "ttl":"my row (g2 t2)",
"own":"Jeff Smith"},
                        {"stt":1, "end":2, "ttl":"test row - gr1 ga2
t3", "own":"Bill Baker"}
                        {"stt":1, "end":2, "ttl":"row - gr2 ga1 t1",
"own":"Ted Tillman"},
                        {"stt":1, "end":2, "ttl":"row - gr2 ga1 t2",
"own":"Kim Crane"},
                        {"stt":1, "end":2, "ttl":"row - gr2 ga1 t3",
"own":"Bob Barker"}

I would like to parse it so that I can loop over the pairs/arrays to
access the data. When I try to deserialize the data, I get the django
error "string indices must be integers". Can anybody please help me
determine what exactly this means and how I may fix this?  Is there
another method I should be using? I am obviously a bit of a newbie at
this so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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