After the hordes of happy Vim users around, I gave Vim another try.
I've tried to set it up for Django around half an year ago, but
finally gave up, and went back to heavy-lifting with Eclipse.

Today, I got much further then before, so I'll post what I've found
until now, and what I see as the main remaining problems. I would
appreciate any help, but it might be another topic.

My .vimrc file is at

I installed the following plugins:
• django.vim:
Usage: :setfiletype htmldjango
• taglist.vim:
Usage: TlistOpen
• tasklist.vim:
Usage: \t
• omnicomplete:
Usage Ctrl+Space
• SnipMate: and
SnipMate for django:
Usage: Tab completion
• xmledit.vim:
Usage: >, >>, %

Moreover, created a ```` to run vim with a given
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE set, this is specific to my usual development
structure, so you might not like it, it's at

What I miss / could not figure it out until now:
• have django.vim syntax set for every html file by default
• have shortcuts to run the server and unittest with optional django
application inside vim
• have shortcuts to other commands, like ``shell_plus``
• debugging with jump to code, especially when running ./

I really like how fast Vim is, and omnicomplete, SnipMate and Taglist
made it comparable to Eclipse, while its syntax highlighting seems to
be even nicer. Still, I really miss the possibility of running
commands, especially django's tests, so if you have any ideas on this,
please share it with me.


On Sep 10, 3:50 pm, Sam Walters <> wrote:
> Vim in conjunction with Git - most powerful + extensible editor out
> there in my humble opinion.
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 7:46 PM, boyombo <> wrote:
> > Vim + pydiction + django.vim
> > On Sep 10, 1:31 pm, eka <> wrote:
> >> Vim + RopeVim + Omincompletion + taglist + tasklist + python_fn
> >> On Sep 10, 8:30 am, slafs <> wrote:
> >> > Vim
> >> > with omnicompletion (CTRL+X, CTRL+O), filetype=htmldjango, TList and
> >> > NERDTree
> >> > Regards
> >> > On Sep 9, 9:31 am, Benjamin Buch <> wrote:
> >> > > I second that.
> >> > > > Vim
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