
I'm a newbie struggling with a simple problem for some time now.
I know it is a simple problem and it is a shame that I don't know how
to solve it.

I have a django spaguetti code that, instead of using forms, uses
javascript functions to get a selection from a selection list

Since I have some deadlines, I'm thinking on use request.POST (saw
about it on results from google), but I don't know when, where an how
to use
request.POST to get the selection  and work on it on the view.

Basicaly, there are a Foo class on Models.py

And I need to get the selected "foo" object from the dropdown to,
then, list
data relatated to that foo in the same page.

The relevants parts of the code are the following:

---->foo_relatory.html   (template)

<form method="POST" action="" id="filters">
{% if show_foos_filter %}
  <span id="foos" style="text-align: right;">
      <select id="foos_combo" onChange="filter();">
        {% for foo in foos %}
          <option value="{{ foo.id }}">{{ foo.nome }}</option>
        {% endfor %}
      <input type="hidden" name="foo" id="input_foo">
{% endif %}

function filter(){
    var formOK = false;

    {% if show_foos_filter %}
        formOK = CheckFoo();
    {% endif %}

    if (formOK == true) {

function submitForm(formID){
    var f = document.getElementById(formID);

function CheckFoo(){
    combo = document.getElementById('foos_combo');
    document.getElementById("input_foo").value = combo.options
    return true;



def foo_relatory(request):
# some python code here
return render_to_response('foo_relatory.html',
                          {'title'       : title,
                           'show_filter_foos': True,

Thanks in advance,


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