On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 2:01 PM, PlanetUnknown <nikhil.kodil...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Thanks Karen.
> Let me explain it a bit more.
> e.g.
> All CONTACT details are present in one table - email, home address,
> work address, home phone, work phone etc.
> Forget about the statement about growing for now.
> Since each user "has-a" contact it is a pure one-to-one relationship
> and not a one-to-many or many-to-one; each user in the USER table will
> have only one corresponding entry in the CONTACT table.
> Does this help explaining the issue ?
> The above is just an example, the main question is how does one
> usually implement a "has-a" relationship in dJango.
Then you are saying you want a OneToOneField.  Your rejection of that
alternative based on the fact that "seems to be more of an inheritance type"
of relationship doesn't make sense to me.  The fact that it may be used to
implement inheritance relationships doesn't mean it cannot be used for the
non-inheritance case.


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