
I've a project with 2 apps, I'm using the meta class for defining 
verbose_name(_plural), register in admin.py.
For The first app it works good, in the second django shows often the (buggy) 
generic name, for example:

"Lv a_types"(the space is on the wrong place I think) and "possibilitys"

it also forgot to translate it, after reloading the page it sometimes shows the 
right names.

from django.contrib import admin
from webapps.ugm.models import *

admin.site.register(FAQ, FAQAdmin)
admin.site.register(Site, SiteAdmin)
admin.site.register(QuickTip, QuickTipAdmin)

admin.py of working app:
from django.contrib import admin
from webapps.books.models import *

admin.site.register( Book, BookAdmin )
admin.site.register( Publisher, PublisherAdmin )
admin.site.register( Author, AuthorAdmin )

anybody knows this problem (using 1.0 on lenny)?
is there a django-logfile anywhere?


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