> You've listed one that doesn't work -- /admin/blog/comment/add.  Is comment
> listed as a model at all under /admin/blog when things break?  Does
> /admin/blog/comment/ work to show a change list of comment models?  Can you
> bring up a detail page on an existing one?  Successfully change it?  I'm
> trying to figure out if something has happened to cause the comment model to
> disappear entirely from admin or if it's still partly there but broken.  If
> only partially broken, what parts, exactly, are broken?

Here's the error when DEBUG=True, and I've commented out the bit of
code that fixes the problem when DEBUG=True:

 Using the URLconf defined in mikesite.urls, Django tried these URL
patterns, in this order:

   1. ^$
   2. ^blog/
   3. ^admin/ ^$
   4. ^admin/ ^logout/$
   5. ^admin/ ^password_change/$
   6. ^admin/ ^password_change/done/$
   7. ^admin/ ^jsi18n/$
   8. ^admin/ ^r/(?P<content_type_id>\d+)/(?P<object_id>.+)/$
   9. ^admin/ ^(?P<app_label>\w+)/$
  10. ^admin/ ^auth/user/
  11. ^admin/ ^auth/group/

So, I can't add one, view a list of existing ones, or change an
existing one. All I seem to be able to do with the blog app is visit /

> Again, I don't understand how that would help.  Someone did recently open a
> ticket (http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/11918) saying that switching to
> the older url pattern for admin worked with DEBUG=False where the current
> one did not, but you haven't actually switched all the way back to the old
> pattern here.

Turns out I'm a fool. Changing the regex didn't really help -- it
stopped 404s coming up, but it also started showing the wrong pages,
so disregard this as a fix.

> Plenty of people are using the 1.1 pattern without trouble,
> so there's something in the configs where problems arise that is different.
> We've not gotten enough specifics on the failing configs for me to have any
> idea what it might be.  A small, recreatable example would help.

I'll try coming up with the smallest failing example tomorrow.

Thanks for the reply

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