On Oct 2, 10:39 pm, Fabrizio <extremob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to rewrite all requests for my Django server running on
> apache+WSGI ( inside my local network) and configured as the WSGI's
> wiki how to, except that I set a virtualhost for it.
> The server which from I want to rewrite requests is another apache
> server listening on port
> 80. I can manage it to work well if I don't try to enable SSL
> connection as the required way to connect.
> But I need all requests to Django server encrypted with SSL so I
> generally used this directive to achieve it ( on my public
> webserver ):
>     Alias /dirname "/var/www/dirname"
>     <Directory "/var/www/dirname">
>         SSLVerifyClient      none
>         SSLOptions           +FakeBasicAuth
>         SSLRequireSSL
>         AuthName             "stuff name"
>         AuthType             Basic
>         AuthUserFile         /etc/httpd/djangoserver.passwd
>         require              valid-user
>         # redirect all request to django.test:80
>         RewriteEngine On
>         RewriteRule   (.*)$  http://django.test/$1[P]
>     </Directory>
> This configuration works if I try to load a specific page trough the
> external server from my browser. It is not working clicking my django
> application urls ( even tough the url seems correct when I put my
> mouse over).
> The url my public server is trying to serve use  http ( instead of
> https ) and the directory "dirname" I specified on my apache
> configuration disappear, so it says that the page was not found. I
> think it depends on Django and its WSGI handler . Does anybody went
> trough my same problem?
> PS: I have already tried to modify the WSGI script . I'm Using Django
> 1.0.3, Apache 2.2 on a Fedora10 (inside), Apache 2.2 on the public
> server.

I think I may know what you are talking about, but your explanation is
a bit confusing.

To help understand, post your mod_wsgi configuration from backend.

Also give actual examples of full URI that hits front end Apache and
what full URI then hits the backend. This will make it much clearer
than an english description.

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