Hi Karen,

On Oct 10, 5:58 pm, Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 6:34 PM, Scott SA <pydev...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I am trying to use a series of generic views with custom filtering via
> > callbacks as per:

> I cannot figure out how this one differs from the next one, nor can I
> recreate first two errors you are getting (I just get the no reverse match),
> and in making further changes you seem to be moving further away from what
> you want to achieve, so I'm just going to stop here and fix this one.

Sweet, thank you. 8-)

> First, the "P?<name>" should be "?P<name>".  You've got the order of the ?
> and the P reversed.

Finger dyslexia, happens all teh time!

Was, and remains, correct in the urls file. I fabricated the stripped-
down example to try to get to the heart of the matter without
excessive detail.

> Second, since you are specifying this as a bare tuple and not using url(),

I tried using url() and others after reading the 'url' and 'patterns'

> and you want to specify the optional name as 'url-pattern-name', you must
> also include the optional dictionary which comes before the optional name as
> defined here:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/urls/#patterns

> Given what you have 'url-pattern-name' is being taken to be the optional
> dictionary, not the optional name.  So change it to:
>   (r'path/(?P<name>[\w\d-]+)/?$', my_filter_callback, {},
> 'url-pattern-name'),

Hmm, I thought I had done that but maybe something else was also wrong
causing me to follow the wrong path for troubleshooting.

> or use url() (read down further in the doc pointed to), omit the dictionary,
> and specify the name via keyword:
>   url(r'path/(?P<name>[\w\d-]+)/?$', my_filter_callback,
> name='url-pattern-name'),

Okay, I know for sure that I tried this, may still have that code
commented out. This is where I received the error that the 'name'
attribute was being passed to 'my_filter_callback', as I recall. I'll
give this another try just to be sure it wasn't a "red herring" that
sucked a few hours out of my day.

After having gone back and adding the empty dictionary in the patterns
(prefix, tuple...) call, I now get resolution and reverse for that
URL. The second part of my prev. statement re. the url call seems the
likely culprit, and a quick double-check on the url() call just proved
it. The problem is another reverse url call later in the page
template, similar name, different regex, etc. 8-(

Thanks for the quick and very informative reply, greatly appreciated.
Sorry for the 'red herring' issue!


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