On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 1:35 PM, Denis Bahati <djma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem with __unicode__(self) function it doesn't give any changes
> to the display of poll list it just display the Poll object when i code like
> below:

Ok - you need to do two things.

1) Stop posting the same question over and over again. We saw it the
first time.

2) Get hold of a good Python tutorial. The official Python tutorial is
good [1]; another good one is Dive Into Python [2].

Strange as it may seem, the reason you are getting an error that reads
"IndentationError, unexpected indent, models.py line 10" is because
you have an indentation error, caused by an unexpected indent, on line
10 of models.py.

Django isn't a programming language. It's just a library that uses the
Python language. If you're going to write web sites using Django, you
really need to understand Python first. So before you try to work
through the Django tutorial, work through the Python tutorial.

I could give you the answer to your question very easily, but I'm not
going to - specifically because you _really_ need to work out this one
by yourself. The error message you are getting is 100% correct, and
points you to the exact problem. The cause is described in the
*introduction* to the official Python tutorial.

[1] http://docs.python.org/tutorial/
[2] http://www.diveintopython.org/

Russ Magee %-)

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