>> On my oldest slowest machine (7 year old WinXP box with 384M of memory),
>> Then you're not far off -- my home work-horse is an 8-year-old
>> Celeron laptop clocked at 800MHz with 384M of memory running
>> Debian off a fairly slow HDD.
> My 800MHz Celeron laptop got retired about a year ago when it quit wanting
> to stay powered on for more than 5 minutes. I thought I'd kept it long past
> its expire date but you've clearly got me beat.

Last year, the wifey finally convinced me to let go of the even 
older machine (133MHz with 96 megs of memory and a 800x600 CRT :) 
running OpenBSD.

> For me, tests for trunk using sqlite ran in 15 minutes.
> My machine is faster than yours, 1.3GHz vs. 800MHz.  But that doesn't seem
> likely to account for your case taking four times longer to run.
> Two other ideas -- what else are you running on this when you run the
> tests?  The 15 minutes in my case was with basically nothing else running
> (with just 384M memory it's easy to overload this poor box).  I tried a 2nd
> run after starting a couple of browsers so that the memory was
> overcommitted, and the testing wall clock time went up to 24 minutes.

Thunderbird for mail and Midori for browsing are open in the 
background, but neither should be overly active.  I tried without 
Midori and it came out about 5 mins faster.  I'll try re-running 
with no other big contenders for the CPU, but they lie pretty 
dormant overnight.

> Second, what version of Python?  The 15 minute result for me was with Python
> 2.6.  Backing off to Python 2.5 (plus keeping the memory overcommitted) made
> the wall clock time go up to 30 minutes.  

It's 2.5 which, if it takes double the time for you, may compound 
the clock-speed difference.  15 minutes * ~2x processor 
difference * ~2x penalty for 2.5 vs. 2.6 comes out to about an hour.

> So, making sure your machine is not swapping, if possible, and updating to a
> recent Python if you are currently running an older one, might help.

I'll see if I can get 2.6 from my Debian repositories which 
sounds like it can save me half the time.

Thanks for all your help!


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