I am working on a site with a static part (i use the Djano tempate
system to separate menu's and header from the content), and a dynamic
part. For the static part i have a directory structure like:


request for / will load index.html

A part of my urls.py:
     (r'^$', 'django.views.generic.simple.direct_to_template',
{'template': 'index.html'}),
'django.views.generic.simple.direct_to_template', {'template':

The "trouble" starts when i want to add forms to the site. Forms only
work from a subdirectory like /forms/ When i use the same parent
template as above the media link is not right anymore. Is /media/css/
style.css, should be ../media/css/style.css

How should i handle this? I could hardlink the media files in the
template (like http://mydomain.com/media/css/style.css) but then i
have to edit every template. This will also be a big pain when i
switch the domain.

I could also have multiple parent templates, but this solution is not
satisfactory for me either.

Changing the urls from index.html into /index/ could also work, but
then i have a problem with requests for / (i could redirect these to /
index/ but i don't know if i am happy with that).

What is the right approach for this?
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