I'm replying to my own message because I was getting some strange  
behaviour and this is how I fixed it.

I would occasionally see unformatted debug_toolbar output after my  
"under construction" page. I could reliably reproduce this "bug" (I  
think it's a bug but I have no idea where) via the following:

1. make a request using a proxy that is in INTERNAL_IP, see proper  
internal page
2. immediately make a request using a proxy that is not in  
INTERNAL_IP, see construction page with debug output
3. 'touch settings.py'
4. make a request using external proxy, see only construction page, no  
debug output

If it makes any difference I'm using wsgi and a monitor.py program  
that I got from a website.

Anyhow, the solution was to change my middleware to:

     def process_response( self, request, response ):
         remote_addr = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']
         return remote_addr in settings.INTERNAL_IPS

         if not is_internal:
             return render_to_response( 'construction.html' )

         return response

ie: do a process_RESPONSE not a process_REQUEST. So there's how you do  

Anybody have any ideas about the bug of seeing the debug_toolbar  
output (without css/js formatting). I'll file a bug if it's a bug and  
not just me not knowing how to write middleware. My middleware  
problem? debug_toolbar problem? Django problem?


On 2009-10-04, at 2:23 PM, Kurt Neufeld wrote:
> Wow, was that ever easy. Thanks for your help!
> Kurt
> For future googlers:
> settings.py:
>  ...
>     'redirector.ConstructionFilterMiddleware',
>  ...
> )
> redirector/__init__.py:
> from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
> from django.conf import settings
> class ConstructionFilterMiddleware(object):
>     """
>     This middleware redirects all requests from clients that are
>     not in INTERNAL_IPS to the construction.html page
>     """
>     def process_request(self, request):
>         remote_addr = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']
>         is_internal = remote_addr in settings.INTERNAL_IPS
>         if not is_internal:
>             return render_to_response( 'construction.html' )
> On 2009-10-04, at 1:19 PM, Kristaps Kūlis wrote:
>> You should and must do such things at middleware (as god intended).
>> example: http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/845/
>> just return custom  HttpResponse, not HttpResponseForbiden
>> Kristaps Kūlis
>> On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 8:41 PM, Kurt <kneuf...@burgundywall.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I think I must be doing something fundamentally wrong since this
>>> seems
>>> like an easy problem...
>>> I'm building a site, I want all ips not in INTERNAL_IPS to get an
>>> "under construction" page and my internal ips to get the real site.
>>> What I'm trying to do is call the application urlconf via the  
>>> resolve
>>> function.
>>> The redirect to the construction page works fine.
>>> The resolve seems to work since the /admin/ pages work but
>>> django_authopenid do not, I get strange errors like "Reverse for
>>> 'user_sendpw' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not
>>> found."
>>> If I change settings.py:ROOT_URLCONF to be "myapp.urls" then
>>> authopenid works.
>>> settings.py:
>>> ROOT_URLCONF = 'redirector.urls'
>>> redirector/urls.py:
>>> urlpatterns = patterns('',
>>>  (r'^', 'redirector.views.redirect' ),
>>> )
>>> redirector/views.py:
>>> def redirect(request, *args, **kwargs):
>>>  remote_addr = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']
>>>  is_internal = remote_addr in settings.INTERNAL_IPS
>>>  if not is_internal:
>>>      return render_to_response( 'construction.html' )
>>>  uri = request.META.get('REQUEST_URI', '/' )
>>>  # if we're an internal ip address then find the application
>>> urlconf
>>>  app = settings.SETTINGS_MODULE.split( "." )[0]
>>>  app_urls = app + ".urls"
>>>  view, args, kwargs = resolve( urlparse(uri)[2], app_urls )
>>>  return view(request, *args, **kwargs)

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