
I followed the excellent Web Monkey tutorial on setting up a blog
using Django. It makes use of Django Tagging. If a tag is entered like
'Tag' it is not found if you search for 'tag' . I would like it so the
case of the tag doesnt matter because when i apply slugify in my
template the tag gets converted to lowercase.


def tag_detail(request, slug):
    unslug = slug.replace('-', ' ')
    tag = Tag.objects.get(name=unslug)

    qs = TaggedItem.objects.get_by_model(Link, tag)
    return object_list(request, queryset=qs, extra_context=
{'tag':slug}, template_name='tags/detail.html')

def tag_list(request):
    tags = Tag.objects.all()
    return object_list(request,queryset=tags, template_name='tags/

In my template

<p>tags: {% for tag in object.get_tags %}<a href="/links/tags/
{{tag.name|slugify}}/">{{tag}}</a> {% endfor %}</p>

Of course i could remove slugify but there must be an easy way to
ignore the case of the tag ??

Thanks in advance
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