Hello all,

Im just getting started with Django so apologies if this is a silly

I have worked through the 4 tutorials and built the Poll application.
I am now trying to add a page to edit polls using a generic view. My
aim is to be able to edit polls in the same way as in the admin view,
i.e editing the question and the foreign keyed choices.

I have managed to implement the generic update_object and can happily
edit the main data for the poll but am getting stuck with editing the
foreign key values.

>From reading the documentation I think I need to pass 'form_class' :
MyPollForm instead of 'model' : Poll. Where MyPollForm is a model form
for poll with an inline formset for choices.

class ChoiceInline(???):
    class Meta:
        model = Choice

class MyPollForm(ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Poll

Am I going about this the right way? If so what does choice inline
need to inherit from and how do I add it to MyPollForm?

Thanks in advance,

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