Ah - ok, I see!  My knowledge of the unicode area is lacking, so I
hadn't actually realized we were overriding a built-in by defining
__unicode__.  Completely obvious now that you point it out of course.

I don't need to be returning a string instead of unicode.  I just
inadvertantly ended up doing that due to the fact that my widget, in
certain cases, does not need to provide an input and thus was not
calling its super() method. I'm used to using strings rather than
unicode, so the resulting widget was just rendering some html for
display only, and my render() method was returning it as a string
rather than as unicode.  In all other cases where I've done this sort
of thing, I think I at some point ended up concatenating my html onto
the return value of the widget's super() method, or concatenating it
with the return of render_to_string(), and both of those have the
effect of turning it into unicode, so I just never noticed the

So possibly a silly question, but is it considered best practice to
code all strings as unicode as you write them, or is it better to
convert to unicode at the end?  IE

def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
    rendered = u'<div> blah blah blah </div>'
    rendered += u'<div> blah blah blah </div>'
    return mark-safe(rendered)


def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
    rendered = '<div> blah blah blah </div>'
     rendered += '<div> blah blah blah </div>'
   return mark_safe(unicode(rendered))

Or maybe it doesn't matter at all, just curious if there is some
benefit to one versus the other.

I do recognize that what I'm doing above is ugly and that the html
should  go into the template, and eventually I will move it there.
Sometimes it's just easier to live in python when debugging and not
have the added complexity of the template.

Ok, thanks for your response, that clarified a lot.


On Oct 14, 10:21 pm, Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 6:25 PM, Margie Roginski
> <margierogin...@yahoo.com>wrote:
> > Eventually I end up in the force_unicode() function at code that looks
> > like this:
> > if hasattr(s, '__unicode__'):
> >    s = unicode(s)
> > The call to unicode(s) has resulted in my render function getting
> > called, and as far as I can tell, unicode(s) should simply return the
> > value that my render function returned.  I would expect the resulting
> > 's' to be a SafeString.  However, if I look at the type of s after
> > unicode(s) has been called, it's type is now <type 'unicode'> rather
> > than <class 'django.utils.safestring.SafeString'>
> Python absolutely positively no exceptions requires that unicode(x) returns
> unicode.  If your implementation of __unicode__ does not return unicode,
> then Python will attempt to coerce it to unicode.  SafeString inherits from
> str, and str is a type that can be coerced to unicode, so that is what
> Python does.  (If an implementation of __unicode__ returns something that is
> neither unicode nor can be coerced to unicode, an exception will be
> raised.)
> > This seems to result in the mark_safe() that I did in my render
> > function not having the intended effect.
> > I have anlayzed this code to death, and I absolutely cannot figure out
> > why the value being returned by my render function would be changing
> > from SafeString to unicode.
> Because Python forces the return value from a unicode() call to be of type
> unicode, so it coerces the SafeString to unicode.
> Note that if in my render() function I have a unicode string rather> than a 
> normal string, I don't see this issue.  I can obviously work
> > around this, but would like to know if this seems like a bug that I
> > should post.  Perhaps it is a python bug even?  That's hard to
> > believe, but I guess it's possible.
> If you call mark_safe on a unicode type, you get SafeUnicode  instead of
> SafeString.  Since SafeUnicode inherits from unicode, no conversion is
> needed and the safeness property is maintained through the calls.  Why do
> you want to be returning strings instead of unicode from your widget's
> render()?
> Karen
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