On Oct 18, 6:54 pm, DjangoRocks <ye.eug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The environment i am using to set up my django project/app on a
> production server is as follows:
> Ubuntu 9.04, Django 1.02, Python version 2.6.2.
> Mysql, mysqldb, apache2 and php is all set up and good to go.
> I have followed the tutorial 
> athttp://jeffbaier.com/articles/installing-django-on-an-ubuntu-linux-se...
> for setting Django and it worked ok. I named the project as the same
> name for my django project on my development computer.
> I got the Django error message since i have not done anything yet when
> i visited the ip address. Which means that my installation were ok.
> Next i created an app ( on the production server ) as per the name i
> have named on my development computer.
> After which i uploaded alllmy django projct/app files to the
> production server using the terminal.
> Here's where the nightmare happens:
> After i have copied all my django project files to the production
> server, and tested the application on the production server, only the
> homepage worked.
> Whenever i tried to visit other pages to test it out, i received the
> error : Exception Type: ViewDoesNotExist
> However, the problem is that i have already started the app in the
> production server before i upload all my files onto the project
> itself.
> May i know how do i fix this problem?
> Best Regards,
> Eugene

Did you restart Apache after uploading your files?
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