Look at date_based.py:

    if date_list and num_latest:
        latest = queryset.order_by('-'+date_field)[:num_latest]
        latest = None

So, if you use num_latest=None, you will always get the whole list.

On Aug 30, 2:47 pm, tezro <tezro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyone?
> On Aug 14, 8:29 am, tezro <tezro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The question is that "django.views.generic.date_based.archive_index()"
> > takes an optional argument "num_latest" which is 15 by default.
> > Setting it manually to num_latest=1000000000 is way off to correct to
> > me. It works. I suppose that it even doesn't retrieve all the tons of
> > data from the DB, but what if I have 1000000000 + 1 record :)
> > What's the right way to use "django-pagination" and the "archive_index
> > ()" or am I missing something?
> > Example code.
> > _______________
> > def index(request):
> >         qs = News.objects.filter(is_published=1)
> >         return archive_index(request, qs, 'date', num_latest=100000000)
> > _______________
> > Thanks.
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