Hi All,
I recently upgraded a high traffic site from django 1.0 to django
1.1.1 and noticed that the load on the server went through the roof,
so I had to revert to django 1.0.
I've done some testing and noticed that the caching behaviour between
1. 0 and 1.1.1 has changed.
Basically I was caching expensive database queries using memcached, in
django 1.0 reading from the cache is a fast operation however in
django 1.1.1 reading from cache causes all fields with a callable as
default to be called.
In the case where that callable is an expensive operation the
performance is severely affected.
I've created patches showing this regression for the branches
which shows the default callable being called on cache read.

My questions are:
1. Is it wrong to store querysets in the cache?
2. Should I log a bug for this in the django tracker and upload my
test case patches?
3. Was this change made on purpose to fulfill other features?

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