On 21 oct, 15:05, Peter Bengtsson <pete...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Suppose I've got this code:
> # template.html
> Info: {{ article_instance.count_words }} words
> # models.py
> class Article(models.Model):
>    text = models.TextField()
>    def count_words(self):
>         raise AttributeError('debugging')

<hs> a NotImplementedError would be more appropriate !-) </hs>

> Then, when I render that page I get:
> Info:  words

Did you actually tried with this exact code ? If yes, this contradicts
the FineManual(tm):
If, during the method lookup, a method raises an exception, the
exception will be propagated, unless the exception has an attribute
silent_variable_failure whose value is True. If the exception does
have a silent_variable_failure attribute, the variable will render as
an empty string.
Note that django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist, which is the base
class for all Django database API DoesNotExist exceptions, has
silent_variable_failure = True. So if you're using Django templates
with Django model objects, any DoesNotExist exception will fail

> When I want is a raised proper error so that I can spot the possible
> bug in my system. How do I do that?

Not tested, but this might be the answer:


> If what you look up in the template doesn't exist I can accept that
> Django, currently, prefers to just suppress it

Actually, there's no "suppression", cf

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