This is coming off untested, but with a couple of tweaks it should

Try creating a dynamic class. In your, do something like
this: -

def make_my_form(readonly):
    class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
      def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
          if readOnly:
             Do stuff to make the inputs readonly
    return MyForm

Then in your view function where you create your inline formset, do
something like: -

def your_main_view_function(request):
    passing_readonly = True
    yourdynamicform = make_my_form(passing_readonly)
    YourFormSet = inlineformset_factory(ModelA, ModelB ,

On Oct 23, 4:30 am, Andew Gee <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following Form defined
> class MyForm(ModelForm)
>   def __init__(self, readOnly=False, *args, **kwargs):
>       if readOnly:
>          Do stuff to make the inputs readonly
> MyForm works perfectly when I instantiate it in the view as a form
> form = MyForm(readOnly=True, instance=ModelA)
> but when I try to use it in the inlineformset_factory I get the error
> NoneType object is not callable.
> I know the problem id the way I am using the MyForm in the inline call
> because I get the same error if I do either of the following
> Formset = inlineformset_factory(ModelA, ModelB form=MyForm
> (readOnly=True))
> Formset = inlineformset_factory(ModelA, ModelB form=MyForm())
> but it works if I do
> Formset = inlineformset_factory(ModelA, ModelB form=MyForm)
> obviously the readOnly param defaults to False and my inputs are not
> changed.
> Does anyone know how I can pass the readOnly param to MyForm using the
> inlineformset_factory or how else I can achieve what I want?
> Thanks
> Andrew
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