may i know how ( or where ) do i get the  traceback from the error

( i'm kind of a server noob )

On Oct 19, 12:47 pm, Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumple...@gmail.com>
> On Oct 19, 2:23 pm, DjangoRocks <ye.eug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > as per the subject: what is the most effective and stable Django set
> > up options on a production server?
> > I am currently on a mod_python, linux, apache set up.
> > And sometimes, it seems that the server is unstable.
> > For example, whenever i try to submit a form ( uploading images ),
> > there are times where it says that there is an error ( template not
> > found ), and times where the upload was successful. ( the code running
> > on my local computer runs perfectly)
> > Is that due to unstable server?
> Probably not. More than likely you have some order dependency in way
> things are loaded into memory by your Django application.
> You should post the exact traceback from the error logs so that people
> can at least attempt to resolve what is likely your real problem
> rather than just assume that changing hosting mechanisms will help.
> > What do u guys recommend for a most effective and stable Django set up
> > options on a production server?
> Django documentation no longer recommends mod_python. Have you looked
> at the Django documentation recently to see what it does say?
>  http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/deployment/#howto-deployme...
> Graham
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