ds99 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using django with postgres as backend. Some of the fields in the
> table are of type "bytea"(bytearray). Which django fields should I use
> while defining a model for such tables?
> for eg: To access "boolean" we use BooleanField while modelling. I
> want to know how to access "bytea" type using django.

Unfortunately django doesn't presently support postgres' bytea out of
box.  There is a patch in the tracker, though I don't know if it works
with recent django:

One workaround for storing chunks of binary data is base64 encoding into
a text field, but that doesn't help you if you're trying to wrap an
existing postgresql database that happens to use bytea, and is not
exactly a high-performance solution (the better data integrity over fs
and ease of manipulation* might be worth it for you though, and
postgresql  text (and bytea) fields work without problem to quite large
sizes (1GB))

* The "X-SendFile" API can allow you to use django-level code to
determine permissioning for filesystem files served through the
webserver though.

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