On Nov 4, 2:50 pm, DavodM <david.mcc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a many to many relationship between 'Projects' and 'Tags' in my
> app.
> In the admin screen I would like to be able to use the
> filter_horizontal interface for adding/editing from both sides of the
> relationship but I can only seem to get it for one or the other.
> I have tried the solution here
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1339409/,
> Which involves creating the projects_tags table manually in models
> using a foreign key to each side (as you would do manually in SQL) and
> then referring to it as the model for an AdminInline.
> This allows me to display an inline to edit both sides of the
> relationship but I don't seem to be able to display the inlines as
> filter_horizontal because the relationships are now one to many.
> I have also tried a different approach from the documentation here
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/admin/#working-with-...
> Which says to use Tag.projects.through as the model for the
> AdminInline
> But I get an error saying that Tag.projects.through does not exist. (I
> have checked and the SQL for the sqlite database and it is adding the
> projects_tags table).
> So either I would like a way to display an inline from a many to many
> relationship as filter_horizontal, or I need help getting the through
> attribute to work.
> Any help would be much appreciated!

The 'through' solution only works in the latest version from trunk -
it should have a 'new in development version' tag on it. If you need
this functionality, it might be worth upgrading to that.
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