I have been using Django for several years now and up until this point
have always redirected users to a login page after registering their
account, and therefore have never had a problem of this sort.  I am
currently running Django v1.01 and on a new yet-to-be-released site
have a combined registration/authenticate/login view which works fine
for most people, but we have had several users (with no clear
patttern) wherein the first page (& subsequent view) they attempt to
access tries to grab the user content from request.user, it returns an
AnonymousUser object.

It has never thrown this error for me in Safari 4, or Firefox 3.5 on
OS X 10.6.1, though it has thrown this error on another testers Safari
4, and another two users Firefox (3.0.15 and 3.5) on Windows (one in
an VM, another on an actual Win Vista machine).  By thrown error I'm
simply implying that something is prohibiting the request from keeping
the active authenticated, logged in user.

And yes, I'm authenticating, and then logging in the returned
authenticated user object.


Eric Elinow

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