django-users group:

At my last gig I grooved on Cucumber to write customer tests, without all the 
hooey required in certain other systems.

Here's a sample from their website:

Feature: Search courses
   In order to ensure better utilization of courses
   Potential students should be able to search for courses

   Scenario: Search by topic
     Given there are 240 courses which do not have the topic "biology"
     And there are 2 courses A001, B205 that each have "biology" as one of
              the topics
     When I search for "biology"
     Then I should see the following courses:
       | Course code |
       | A001        |
       | B205        |

Each line under the Scenario maps onto a Ruby regular expression, conjoined 
a block:

   When /I search for (.*)/ do |biology|
     # some setup or assertion code here here

Inside the block you write testage, like a test case.

There's a ruby-python hybrid of Cuke available, but I would rather not inflict 
too much Ruby on my current shop. So how easy would something like this be to 

And has anyone already started, or would like to collaborate on it?


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