Thanks Tim. That's funny you just posted that because I just got done
doing that and was going to post it as solved.



On Nov 25, 1:48 pm, Tim Valenta <> wrote:
> I know how messed up this all seems, so I sympathize.  I totally want
> to store items according to a related object's name or id or whatever.
> However, I'm using upload_to in a more straightforward manner, and it
> seems to work out alright.  Tell me if you've already tried it this
> way:
>     class ScreenShot(models.Model):
>         def _image_location(instance, filename):
>             return ''.join("web_projects/%Y/", instance.project.slug,
> "/", filename)
>         # ...
>         image = models.ImageField(upload_to=_image_location)
> The thing you pass to your field's "upload_to" value can be a
> callable, which takes two arguments: the instance of `ScreenShot`
> being altered, and the filename of the original file that was
> uploaded.  You then just return a string of the path to save in,
> including the filename.
> It's all described here, which it looks like you've already 
> read:
> Does that not work for you?  I do exactly the same thing for various
> fields on some of my models.  I could see how it might complicate
> things if you were doing it on an inline..... I admit that I haven't
> tried that one out, as luck would have it.  If the main model already
> exists, it should work, though.
> Just brainstorming to find a simpler solution.  Have you already tried
> it that way?
> Tim
> On Nov 25, 12:08 pm, neridaj <> wrote:
> > I'm trying to access the current instance of ScreenShot related to the
> > current instance of WebProject, in order to get the slug field of
> > WebProject to use as a upload directory but I don't think I can
> > because there's no primary key in the db yet. I need to call
> > change_upload_to when the instance of WebProject tries to save because
> > it saves before the instance of ScreenShot i.e., before slug is
> > obtained to append to the upload_to directory. Are you suggesting I
> > should just add the ImageField to the WebProject class? I don't want
> > to have a fixed number of ImageFields for WebProject, if there's a way
> > to do that without using another class that would work. Can I access
> > the save method of ScreenShot from WebProject? Should I just add
> > another slug field to ScreenShot?
> > class ScreenShotInline(admin.StackedInline):
> >         model = ScreenShot
> >         extra = 3
> > class WebProjectAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
> >         prepopulated_fields = {'slug': ('title',)}
> >         inlines = [ScreenShotInline]
> > On Nov 25, 9:46 am, Preston Holmes <> wrote:
> > > I'm a bit confused on a few points here.  The upload_to field
> > > attribute should be atomic to the imagefield - it doesn't rely on
> > > related models.
> > > your change_upload_to creates a new screenshot - but doesn't connect
> > > it to the current WebProject instance.  Is that what you are trying to
> > > do?
> > > s = ScreenShot(project=instance)
> > > Is there a reason your WebProject is not defined when you create a
> > > screenshot in your view?
> > > Something about this seems like it is making it more complicated than
> > > it needs to be. but details are lacking t
> > > -Preston
> > > On Nov 24, 5:52 pm, neridaj <> wrote:
> > > > Hello,
> > > > I'm trying to change the upload_to attribute of an ImageField so that
> > > > it is in the format "web_projects/year/slug/". The problem I am having
> > > > is that the ForeignKey model is getting saved before the related
> > > > ScreenShot model is able to call it's save method to change upload_to.
> > > > I'm trying to use a pre_save signal to reverse the order of saving but
> > > > I'm not sure how to access the current instance of the ScreenShot
> > > > model to call it's save method. Thanks for any suggestions.
> > > > class ScreenShot(models.Model):
> > > >         project = models.ForeignKey(WebProject)
> > > >         image = models.ImageField(upload_to="web_projects/%Y/")
> > > >         page_title = models.CharField(max_length=250, 
> > > > help_text="Maximum 250
> > > > characters.")
> > > >         def __unicode__(self):
> > > >                 return self.page_title
> > > >         def save(self):
> > > >                 
> > > > self.image.upload_to="web_projects/%Y/"+self.project.slug
> > > >                 super(ScreenShot, self).save()
> > > > def change_upload_to(sender, **kwargs):
> > > >         s = ScreenShot() # not sure how to access current instance
> > > >
> > > > pre_save.connect(change_upload_to, sender=WebProject)


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