my bad :). didn't really get his gist. just switched to wsgi myself.

On Nov 25, 11:00 pm, Graham Dumpleton <>
> On Nov 26, 5:04 pm, Some Guy <> wrote:
> > WSGIScriptAlias /test
> > should be
> >  WSGIScriptAlias /
> > not really sure what you mean by suburl...
> No it shouldn't. What he was doing with the directive is correct.
> Provided they are using 1.0 or later, should be setup the same
> as if site mounted at root URL. That is, do not put the suburl in
> So, can't see anything wrong with what OP was doing.
> Graham
> > On Nov 25, 9:47 pm, Amit Sethi <> wrote:
> > > Hi , can somebody tell me how i should configure mod_wsgi on a suburl I 
> > > want
> > > to set a django project on
> > >
> > > so my at present looks like :
> > > urlpatterns = patterns('',
> > >      (r'^(.*)', 'sttp.views.serve'),)
> > > and the wgi scrip alias is WSGIScriptAlias /test
> > > /home/amit/sttp-project/django.wsgi
> > > --
> > > A-M-I-T S|S


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