> I ran 'ps aux | grep apache' which showed that apache was running
> under the www-data user account.

Okay. (Aside: Note that you can use something like mod_wsgi in daemon
mode or mod_fcgid to run django processes under a separate user account
to the main apache user)

Rest is not really django:

> The following is a line from  /etc/group
> idmsaccess:x:1003:ase,www-data,mysql,klog,syslog,daemon,avahi
> I am under the impression that means that www-data is a member of the
> group idmsaccess

Yes, though you may have to restart apache if you haven't since making
that group for the session to pick it up. (Aside: doubt it makes sense
to have all those users in that group...)

> -rwxrwxrwt 1 ase idmsaccess 480836 2009-09-29 09:45 J0484_-
> _2009-03-04_006.jpg
> drwsrwsrwt 3 ase idmsaccess  12288 2009-09-11 02:58 dar
> To me it looks like both the file and the directory are set to give
> everyone (owner, group, and others) write access.

See the t? it matters:
This is used to make world-writable directories like /tmp a bit safer on
unix or linux systems.  However, in this case means only "ase" can
delete the file, since the sticky bit special case handling applies via
the user (the "owner" of the file/directory) not group, and "ase" owns
both the file and the directory.

This is a Feature. Only the owner of a sticky-bit directory can delete
as normal within it, and other people can only delete the files they
themselves own within the sticky-bit directory.

You could remove the sticky bit, but you would be strongly advised
to remove the world-writable bit too if you do that...

(aside: the s matters too, but what it is doing is setting the group
of files created in the directory to idmsaccess, whic is probably
something you want)


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