On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 7:10 AM, Baurzhan Ismagulov <i...@radix50.net> wrote:
> When I try this, I get NoReverseMatch at /apps/: Reverse for 'app-list'
> with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found.
> I'd like to avoid hard-coding URLs. Is there a way to do that?

the problem is that the call to reverse('app-list') is happening
_before_ the construction of the URL list.

i don't know much about Django internals, but i'd at least try
separating 'app-new' in a different call to patterns() than

something like:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
   (r'^apps/$', list_detail.object_list,
    {'queryset': App.objects.all()},

urlpatterns += patterns('',
   (r'^app/new/$': create_update.create_object,
    {'model': App, 'post_save_redirect': reverse('app-list')},

not sure if would work, thought.  it's quite possible that Django
still has work to do after the whole urls.py execution to make
reverse() work.



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