
I wanted to design a system that would keep inventory data for items.
The items themselves are different enough, that they don't conform to
a simple model.

E.g., the products are for a bakery company. The company keeps
inventory of solid items, liquid items, and items that are used in
partial quantities. Each has its own properties, some have volume,
some have wieght, some have length, etc.

So, should I try to create a base "Item" model, which common
attributes like name and vendor_id, and then have a one-to-many
relationship to a table which you can add custom fields/value pairs.
(i would like to be able to choose a "category" when creating a new
item, and have the form automatically show the fields for that item).

Or, should I go about creating a base "Item" class, and then subclass
it for each category of item?

My main concern is that the system is built in such a way that we can
easily create future reports across all the inventory database (e.g.
what is the time any item has been in the store room, price of
inventory of same type for all items, etc.), without having to worry
about the way we implemented the models.\



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