Okay, okay. So I'm still replying to my own post. On the bright side, I figured 
it out.

First point of interest: 

    If I stop referrering to my model with orm.Message, and just use Message 
(as imported from my app at the top), everything works fine.

Second point of interest (discovered AFTER "fixing" it as mentioned just above):

    If I grab studies with orm['otherappname.Study'].objects.all() instead of 
Study.objects.all() (as imported at the top), everything works fine. Note that 
when doing this, I'm also correctly referring to the Message model with 
orm.Message, instead of the way I mentioned above.

So, evidently a Study is not the same class type as orm.Study, and when using 
an orm.Message, it expects its studies to be of type orm.Study, not Study.

In conclusion, the problem was because I was doing it wrong. South prefers that 
you use its "fake" ORM because it allows you to write data migrations to the 
models as they were at the time the migration was created, not whatever state 
the actual models are in months later.

For reference:

South and I are buddies again.



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