On Thu Dec 17 11:28 , Bill Freeman  sent:

>I saw a demo of a byte code disassembler once.  It won't get you the
>source code back, but you could conceivably construct equivalent from
>it.  You can, for example, see what it's calling, and sketch out the
>contiditionals and any loops.  You could google for it, or ask on the
>python tutor mailing list.

There was decompyle, but the author decided to turn it into a service. Last
released source works on 2.3. You can get it from packages.debian.org or
elsewhere. If the original poster is desperate enough, he could try the service.

unpyc is an attempt to continue decompyle. Apparently it has issues with code
using iterators and still needs work. If anyone out there is interested, all of
the pieces exist it just needs work.

That said, Bill's suggestion of asking on tutor is spot on. That is a fabulous
mailing list for general Python questions. Lots of bright people, some involved
in Python directly, answer there.


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