If you are calling this from, for example, crontab note that each line
in crontab is executed in its own subshell, so you have the choice of
setting PYTHONPATH, or (my personal favorite because it works with so
many kinds of scripts) you can cd to the project directory and execute
the script as ./manage.py custom, by separating the cd and ./manage.py
with a semicolon.  Too, if you are doing this from a bash (or sh or,
probably, csh) script, commands run inside parentheses run in a sub
shell, so you can do the cd, semi, manage trick, and when the subshell
exits, the rest of your script is still running in its original
directory.  Finally, if this is a command line utility that you want
to run from wherever and just have on the path, create a sh (or bash)
script that cd's and runs it instead, and put that on the path.  This
last works on windows too, using bat files (or whatever the cmd.exe
equivalent is).

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 5:59 AM, Justin Steward <althalu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm at a loss as to understand why, but I've worked out what I need to
> add to pythonpath.
> PYTHONPATH=/home/user
> i.e. The pythonpath needs to include NOT the project's root, but the
> directory one level ABOVE that for custom commands to work properly...
> Thanks for the help guys.
> ~Justin
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