> Apologies for taking so long to get back to you on this - the silly
> season has been consuming a lot of my time.

Silly season indeed :)

> I'd go one step further than an attribute - I'd provide a method.

I was considering this, but I was thinking about a hacky/internal API
for 1.2 instead of doing the full implementation that I read was being
thrown around :) I suppose it is an easy logical extention.

> The
> default implementation would essentially be:
>     def db_from_related_object(self, instance):
>         return instance._state.db

I'm not familiar with ._state and not sure if you're referencing
existing attributes on the manager, but I can see what you're getting

> The related manager would then use the following:
>     using = rel_mgr.db_for_source(instance)
>     if getattr(rel_mgr, 'use_for_related_fields', False):
>         rel_obj = rel_mgr.using(using).get(**params)
>     else:
>         rel_obj = QuerySet(self.field.rel.to).using(using).get(**params)

Yes, exactly. I didn't want to jump in much further than I had to, so
I haven't actually patched this (monkey patching is fun, heh) as a
quick guess is it needs to be done in another place for M2M. I have
merely passing familiarity with this stuff, until the other day I
wasn't even aware of these 'magic' descriptors in django.

> In your use case, you would override this method on the AdSalesManager:
>     def db_from_related_object(self, instance):
>         return 'adsales'
> so no matter where the request for an AdSales object comes from, the
> adsales database will be used. If you wanted to implement a sharding
> strategy, you could put in more complex logic based on instance.


> Some sort of configuration in this direction will obviously be
> required in the long term, and it's arguably a bug in the current
> implementation - we need to expose a way to control the using()
> arrangements for related fields, and we don't currently do so.

This does seem to be the biggest issue at the moment.

> Given
> that this is a fairly glaring hole in the API, I'm certainly open to
> providing a fix in the 1.2 timeframe.

I'm not too familiar with when exactly this timeframe is - if it's
still a bit away and this doesn't count as a 'feature' (i.e., I have
maybe a week or so) I might try writing up a patch.

> My only question is whether we should try to make this public API for
> this release.

Without an understanding of exactly how soon you want 1.2 out, and as
I'm not exactly the best unit tester... ;) I think keeping this an
internal API might be best for now until someone a bit more
knowledgeable about the internal plumbing than me weighs in on these

>  I'm slightly hesitant to introduce API without a
> complete understanding of exactly how multi-db will be used in the
> field. For example, you've highlighted a problem on retrieval, but
> there will be an analogous problem on assignment - in the current
> implementation, book.author = user will force user onto the same
> database as book, (or force book onto the same database as user if
> book hasn't been db-assigned). This is obviously wrong for the use
> case your provide.

I totally forgot about assignment! In the monkeypatched code I posted
before, assignment (seemingly) works by segregating the models across
DB (that is, keeping all instances of a model on a single db) by
basically making the default implementation return 'default' instead
of keeping the 'from whence it came' strategy for related models.

We probably should name / detail these partitioning strategies so we
can discuss them easier:

1. Follow Original DB: Always resolve relations by staying on the same
DB as the source relation
2. Force Model DB: Always resolve relations by using

The code I posted above sticks with option 2, and treats an un-
dbassigned model as assigned to 'default'.

> So, my suggestion would be to introduce an API to solve this problem,
> but prefix the methods we add with underscores to highlight that this
> is internal API for now. Come 1.3, we can then change these API
> (either dropping the underscores, or replacing the underscore methods
> with an entirely new technique) without breaking backwards
> compatibility. Anyone using the internal API should be aware (because
> of the underscore) that there may be some migration work required to
> move from 1.2->1.3.



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