Hi all!

I'm trying to load this <http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/1492/> js in
one of the admin panel views. but seems that I'm unable to configure django
properly in order to be able media files access through my browser.

I have the js in '/var/www/ucp/media/js'

I the settings.py I defined MEDIA_ROOT variable with '/var/www/ucp/media/'

and I put this on my admin.py:

class MemberAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    class Media:
        js = ['js/collapsed_stacked_inlines.js',]

admin.site.register(member, MemberAdmin)

I tried with a lot of combinations without any good result :( In all
situations my browser can't find the js :(.

Thanks a lot!
And and excuse my English ;)
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