As I've learned more about jquery/javascript, I've added more and more
jquery interactive widgets to my app (which is sort of like a ticket
tracking app).  I'm wondering if having too many .js files is a bad
thing (or a good thing)?

Here's an example to make my question more understandable.  I have
form similar to the admin changelist form, where the user views all of
their tasks.  Each task has a lot of info available but I don't want
it to display it all in the form itself.  For example, a task has a
"result" field, and instead of just rendering the result field (which
can be long), I provide a link that shows the date the result was
entered.  When the user clicks on the link, they get a tooltip popup
that displays the result.

My django widget looks like this:

class ChangeList_DisplayResultWidget(ChangeList_ToolTipWidget):

    class Media:
        js = ('js/jquery.js',

        css = {'all' : ('js/cluetip/jquery.cluetip.css',)}

The contents of result_widget.js is quite small, just this:

  $(document).ready(function() {
            closePosition: 'top',
            closeText:'<img src="/site_media/img/admin/
            cluetipClass: 'jtip',
            onShow: function(e) { $('#cluetip a').attr({'target':
'_blank'}); return true; }

My question is - is it ok to have a lot of little .js files like
this?  I find that keeping the .js code associated with my widgets in
separate files is very nice, because then if I reuse the widget on
some other page, it is well-encapsulated.  IE, I get just the .js for
that widget, and no additional .js code.  But since I have a very
interactive web app with a variety of widgets that have different
behaviors, I am finding that I have a lot of .js files getting

In my page that is similar to django's admin change list, I now have
25 .js files.  That includes various good-sized jquery packages
(jquery.js, autocomplete, datePicker, cluetip, filter), plus my
little .js snippets like that shown above, that use those packages,
plus some custom .js I have written, plus some code I use from the
admin app (core.js, actions.js, getElemetnsByselector.js).

Sorry if I'm going into too much detail - just wanted to give folks a
flavor of what I'm doing.  The users are very happy so I don't think
I'm going overboard on the UI side, but I'm just wondering if there
are issues associated with they way I am organizing the .js, or if
what I'm doing is a good way to go.

I am doing client side caching of the files, and so far things seem
fast.  I'd like to hear input from anyone with more experience on
whether this is a good organization or if there is some preferable way
to go.

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