Here is the deal:

class MyModel ( models.Model ):
  title = models.CharField( max_length = 100 )
  only_me = models.BooleanField( default = False )

 Question: Whats the proper way to guarantee that no matter how many
MyModel's are available in the database, only one of them
will have the only_me set as True? To further clarify things: In the admin,
whenever I check the only_me checkbox, and save my model, all other models
of this class will have to have its own only_me field set to false.

 As far as I know, there is no other way of doing this unless I iterate over
all MyModel' s objects and uncheck them if they are checked, save them, then
afterwards check the model that I am actually saving setting the only_me
field to True.

 I tried doing this on the actual save() of the model, no success. Everytime
I called save on iterated objects, I, of course, got the maximum recursive
depth error thrown at me.
 Fair enough, I quickly thought about signals, hooking my function to
post_save(), however I inevitabilly stumbled upon the same
problem: When I called save() on the iterated objects the post_save signal
got sent, I would step again in the same function, thus
no cookie for me.
 I jumped over to overriding AdminForm' s save() method, so that I would
iterate there on the models unchecking them if necessary, and them returning
the proper object, but I stopped that and I said to myself that I must be
doing something really stupid, so Im coming to you guys: What would the
propper way of doing this?

Thanks in Advance,
Victor Lima
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