Hi Bill,

thank you very much for the additional advice, and for the book
references - especially the latter where you pre-empted my question.

As you say I have come to Django without devoting much effort to the
important Python aspects, and I have realised in the past month or so
that I made a huge mistake. Hopefully in the coming weeks I can
redress that.

Thanks again.


On 20 Jan, 16:25, Bill Freeman <ke1g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 7:57 PM, MauroCam <maurociac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Bill,
> > thanks for all your help. I have fixed it by manually saving
> > PYTHONPATH in.profile, and the sys.path is now reflecting the correct
> > path. Runnnig the loaddata command now correctly loads the data!
> > Not sure why saving it in .bashrc did not have the same effect.
> > Will also try your suggestions, as I do need to get both LIVE and TEST
> > working.
> > Could not have done it without you!
> > Mauro
> I'm glad that it has worked out.
> If the passing of this crisis gives you some time, I have some
> suggestions for your
> leisure reading list.
> These were python problems, not django problems.  If you are using a
> python based
> framework like django, it's always worth sharpening your python
> skills.  If you're not
> already familiar with python, it is a useful language for projects
> large (e.g.; django,
> plone/zope) and small (e.g.; the one liner I did last week to convert
> someone's UTF-16
> file to UTF-8) and available on most platforms (even on my Nokia 810).
>  The tutorial at
> python.org is well worth the hour that it will likely take you.  There
> are links to the on
> line documentation there as well.  My favorite book is the Python
> Essential Reference,
> by Beazley, but it is, indeed, a reference.  Some of the more beginner
> focused books
> like Learning Python (was that Mark Lutz?) are more likely to spend
> time discussing
> the way to set up the environment, but may be slightly dated in terms
> of the favored
> approaches today (how recently update?), and everything really is
> available on line.
> If you expect to want multiple projects to run in environments with
> different python
> configurations (sets of installed packages) on a single accout, you
> owe it to yourself
> to investigate virtualenv.  It doesn't do anything that you couldn't
> do yourself, including
> by hand, but that's true of much of the software we use, and, of
> course, virtualenv is
> free, open source software.
> Issues with where to put environment variable setting stuff can be
> confusing, even
> for folks who primarily use *nix systems.  The first thing to confirm
> is you are using
> bash.  That's typically the default on linux systems, but even the
> default is up to the
> sysadmin, and users can typically change the shell used for their
> account.  csh, fior
> example, is not going to read .bashrc.  If a variable is set in two
> files, the one that
> gets read last wins.  For example, a login shell reads your .bash_profile (or
> .bash_login or .profile, which ever it finds first, but only on of
> them) instead of reading
> .bashrc.  Sub-shells (if you, for example, type "bash" at the bash
> prompt, or type
> commands inside parentheses) reads .bashrc, but not the others.  But on most
> systmems (in my experience) your .bash_profile is set up so that the
> first thing that
> it does is explicitly read .bashrc.  In that case, it's as though
> .bashrc is always read
> first, followed by, if it is a login shell, (the rest of)
> .bash_profile.  So for settings that
> occur both in .bashrc and (later) in .bash_profile, the .bash_profile
> settings will win
> in login shells, and the .bashrc settings will win in subshells.  It
> is customary to
> initialize inheritable things like enviorment variables, including
> PATH, in .bash_profile,
> because subshells obtain them from their parent via "the environment".*
> But realize that bash only reads these files when it starts up (or if
> explicity told to
> read them with the source command), so to test a change in .bash_profile (or
> .bash_login or .profile, whichever you have), you must log out and log back 
> in.
> One thing to specifically concern you is that if you have a .profile,
> and you don't
> have a .bash_profile or .bash_login, and the .profile file doesn't
> explicitly source
> .bashrc (and ti really shouldn't since .profile is read by some other
> shells), then
> your .bashrc settings don't affect your login shell.  That could be
> why you didn't
> see the changes that you made there.  If so, then you might consider adding 
> the
> following .bash_profile file:
> ----------------------------
> # .bash_profile
> # Get the aliases and functions
> if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
>         . ~/.bashrc
> fi
> # Get the common login settings
> if [ -f ~/.profile ]; then
>         . ~/.profile
> fi
> # Put login settings only to be used by bash below.
> ---------------------------
> (The "." that is the first non-blank in the middle of each if is an
> alias for the "source" command.)
> [ * There is, however, a hazard to putting much stuff in *profile
> files.  If you use ssh (or in ancient
> times, rsh) or, I believe, xon, to run a single command and exit,
> rather than to get an interactive
> prompt, then sshd (or equivalent) starts the shell that runs the
> command as a non-login, shell,
> that is, a subshell, so your profile files are not used.  Generally
> that's what you want, but, for
> example, I tend to use mercurial with ssh:// style urls to move things
> up to, for example, a server
> at a webhosting company.  Often mercurial isn't' installed by default,
> but I can add it to my account's
> bin directory, and use .bash_profile to add $HOME/bin to the PATH.
> But when mercurial attempts
> to access the account remotely, .bash_profile isn't run, and it can't
> invoke a partner mercurial on
> the server with which to communicate.  I get around this by putting my
> PATH adjustments in .bashrc.
> That's a minor issue in sub-shells, since my bin directory gets added
> twice.  For the fastidious (like
> me) it is easy enough to use a flag environment variable to only add it once. 
> ]
> Bill
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