I'm trying to create a loop to send notification by dango-notification
for all new posts. What i'd like to do is send a notification for the
posts added after the last visit of the members. Phrased otherwise I
just want to send (update) users about new posts, not about old ones.
Users read notifications automatically when logged in.

My attempts:
1) From
                    a = blog.item
                    d = User.objects.all
                    d = user.last_login

                    q = Post.objects.extra(select={'is_recent': "created_at <

                    for a in q.filter(item=a):
"blog_post_match", {"post":

This fails, it ignores the created_at < '2006-01-01' at all and sends
the notification. The idea was to alter this to created_at > d

2) As described here
                    a = blog.item
                    d = User.objects.all
                    d = user.last_login

                    inner_qs = User.objects.all().values('last_login').query
                    entries = Post.objects.filter(created_at=inner_qs)

                    for a in entries.filter(item=a):
"blog_post_match", {"post":

This results in Exception Type: IndexError at /blog/new/    Exception
Value: tuple index out of range
Secondly it's impossible to filter(created_at>inner_qs)

Any suggestions about a constructive way to send notifications after
adding a new post?
With notification and not with RSS.

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