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On Jan 26, 3:42 am, Marinho Brandao <mari...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello people,
> I have good news :)
> I've done today the new website of Geraldo Reports [1].
> Geraldo is a tool to make business reports easy, that not necessarily
> will be PDF files. For a while it just supports PDF and TXT (for file
> and matrix printers), but in the future it will supports HTML, ODF,
> DOC, XLS, and whatever. It uses the power of ReportLab to make PDF
> files and uses also some things from its library.
> Geraldo doesn't competes with ReportLab, it is just more like Jasper
> or Crystal Reports, ok?
> The new website is more like a redesign of the old one, but we want to
> have cook book, code snippets and report templates repositories as
> soon as possible.
> We are near to announce the release 0.4 (maybe in 1 or 2 weeks), with
> the main features:
> - Caching
> - Additional fonts
> - Events system
> - "Native" charts (using ReportLab functions instead of third part libraries)
> - Cross reference tables
> - Bar codes
> - bugs fixes
> Most of these features are already available [2] on the git/svn
> repositories [3] and [4] and I'm using them on some projects.
> Another important information: I recently knew about a project named
> "django-reporting" [5], that makes summaries on the Admin (with no
> printing). It is a good tool but a customer mine would like print
> those summaries to PDF, so, I made some improvements on it to do it
> (and sent a patch). I'm trying to make contact the author to make this
> easier.
> The problem: Geraldo already had in their repositories a Django app to
> integrate Geraldo with Django's Admin.
> Solution: I probably will change the name of Geraldo's "reporting", do
> some newness I have on my machine, etc.
> But, to avoid confusion: django-reporting and Geraldo's "reporting"
> are separated things and have different goals.
> In the future, Geraldo will have the Reports Server, probably a
> pluggable app or a Tornado service (I'm not sure about that), to serve
> reports like a BI framework. It will get data from database connection
> (with SQL instructions) or NoSQL accessing or, at least, receive data
> as a webservice, and generate reports. The main goal is take easy the
> integration with other languages and take easy for end users. The
> ideas are in my mind, but will late a little.
> That's all. Help is very very welcome, whatever you can do to help.
> Best regards, speak soon :)
> [1]http://www.geraldoreports.org/
> [2]http://www.geraldoreports.org/docs/examples/index.html
> [3]http://www.geraldoreports.org/docs/examples/index.html
> [4]http://geraldo.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/geraldo/
> [5]http://code.google.com/p/django-reporting/
> --
> Marinho Brandão (José Mário)http://marinhobrandao.com/

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