On 03/02/10 14:45, andreas schmid wrote:

     AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH = LDAPSearch("dc=example,dc=com",
         ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(uid=%(user)s)")

You're using uid here, but

     # Set up the basic group parameters.

     # Populate the Django user from the LDAP directory.
         "username": "sn"

sn here.  I really doubt that'll work unless your ldap directory
happens to have uid==sn for all relevant entries (which would
be weird and unusual, but not strictly impossible)

Try uid in both.  I think you were heading
that way with your question regarding AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP anyway.

sn in both is less likely to be what you want, usually surnames
can violate typical username constraints and be non-unique.

> no users in the db,

Well, n.b. that probably won't happen until you actually try to log in
as a particular ldap user.

django-auth-ldap apparently has a dedicated list, might reach
people with more familiarity with it, I'm not sure what else might
be wrong with your config:
(n.b. I inadvertently linked to a fork in last post)

> how can i check if i am connected or not?

One thing to bear in mind   -
./manage.py shell
allows you to poke about interactively "within" your django project
(though not the live web server as such). You can execute individual methods and try stuff out.

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