On 02/18/2010 08:41 AM, Sander wrote:
let's say the following (pure hypothetical):
- an Manager can read questions at example.com/manager/read
- an Employee can post questions at example.com/employee/add

The URL namespaces is only loosely coupled to applications. This is, in fact, a big strength of Django.

Let me try myself:
In this case, following your guidelines,  I think I have to create an
app called 'question' whith the functionality of adding and listing
the questions

Let's call this thing "Post" instead of "Question". They may not always be questions. Post would be a class you define in models.py.

Also the Employee and Manager should be different apps because they
have functionality of changing their information.
The apps DO depent on eachoter because a question is placed by a
'Employee' but thats fine

Am I on the right track?

Employee and Manager are really specializations of a Person class. You could use a taxonomy to represent that relationship. Taxonomy would be an application. What is the overarching purpose of this application? Is it a bulletin board? Is it a project management application? Is it a CRM application? Apps are usually broken down by functional requirements so once you give some thought to that, it will become clearer.

Clifford Ilkay
1419-3266 Yonge St.
Toronto, ON
Canada  M4N 3P6

+1 416-410-3326

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