my prefix could be changed and hence its length too ,
so let me show you what i did to get the price from Rates table
against prefix used in Ast.dst

from cdr.cdrs.models import Ast,Rates
for i in Ast.objects.all():
        for x in Rates.objects.all():
                l = len(x.prefix)
                if x.prefix == i.dst[0:l]:
                price = x.rate
      cost = price * i.billsec

it gives me what i want ..but its on interactive console :$ i am
really not getting where should i deploy it in my view to show this
calculation (cost of call ) .
cause in my view i am just using it like this :

def mytest(request):

        cdr_table = Rates.objects.all()
        return render_to_response('clients/test.html',
{"calls":cdr_table,},context_instance =RequestContext(request))

now in html table defined in test.html i can see all the data coming
in table Ast . But how i add a column in that html table having cost
of each call as i got in my console.

thanks for your help

On Feb 24, 2:16 am, Daniel Roseman <> wrote:
> On Feb 23, 9:10 pm, soFh <> wrote:
> > Well i was already  thinking that i am not so clear in my question.
> > so better let me post my model and what i want here .
> >
> > sorry I missed by mistake "C" of class Rates while pasting it on
> > dpaste.
> > Anyways there are two models.
> > there is one field billsec in model named "Ast" which is duration of
> > call. there is one field named "dst" which is "dialed Number " .
> > What i want is is to compare this dialed number by the prefix given in
> > Rates Model and then multiply that Rate with duration to show  the
> > cost of call.
> > hope i am bit  clear now .
> > Thanks in advance for any tip..
> > regards
> I don't see where you are having a problem. Your logic, as you give it
> above, is quite clear:
>     my_prefix = my_ast.dst[:5] # or however long the prefix is
>     my_rate = Rate.objects.get(prefix=my_prefix)
>     cost = my_rate.rate * my_ast.billsec
> --
> DR.

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