On Mar 22, 12:19 pm, James <goo...@hostitlocal.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am struggling to get a piece of code working.
> I've looked at it too much and now can't see what im doing wrong.
> Anyone have any ideas? The error is as follows:
> Type Error
> string indices must be integers - (if ids['m'['manufacturer__id']]

"'m'['manufacturer__id']" is trying to to an index lookup on string
"'m'" using string "'manufacturer__id'" as index - which can't work,
since strings can (of course) only be indexed by integers

> is
> not m['manufacturer__id']: )

> Code:
> tmp_manufacturers = Product.objects.filter(category=category).values(
>         'manufacturer__title', 'manufacturer__slug',
> 'manufacturer__id'
>     ).distinct()
>     manufacturers = {}
>     for m in tmp_manufacturers:
>         ids = {}
>         if ids['m'['manufacturer__title']] is not
> m['manufacturer__title']:

First error is the use of quotes around "m" - this should read

Now there are two other errors in this line:

1/ you should NOT use the identity operator to test for equality -
IOW, you want to replace 'is' with '==' (or, in this case, 'is not'
with '!=')
2/ if the 'ids' dict doesn't yet have a value set for
m['manufacturer__title'], you'll get a KeyError.

>             ids.append(m['manufacturer__title'])

Looks like you're confusing dicts with lists.... dicts don't have an
"append" method.

>             manufacturers.append({
>                 'title': m['manufacturer__title'],
>                 'slug': m['manufacturer__slug'],
>                 'id': m['manufacturer__id'],
>                 'total_products': Product.objects.filter(
>                     category=category,
>                     manufacturer__slug=m['manufacturer__slug']
>                 ).count()
>             })

I don't know what your models looks like, but there's something wrong
IMHO - if there's to be a one2many or many2many relationship between
Products and Manufacturer, then it would better be explicit (using a
Model.ForeignKey or Model.ManyToManyField), and done on the
manufacturer *id*, not on the slug. This may also save you (and your
computer) some useless work...

> Also, does anyone have any decent documentation on arrays?

Arrays ??? This is not PHP, this is Python. Look for "list" and "dict"
in the FineManual (I mean, the fine *Python* manual). FWIW, do
yourself a favour and learn Python - at least do the official intro
tutorial. You just can't hope to do anything good in Django if you
don't know at least the most basic Python builtin types and operators.

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