How big is the XML?  Since you've already verified that the generation
isn't the problem, this could be a browser issue.  Most browsers
attempt to parse and style the XML (to show it in a nice document
tree), which could take a while for really huge files.  When choosing
to output with the HTML mimetype, the browser doesn't need to do any
extra work.

On Mar 29, 8:21 am, serjant <> wrote:
> Hi all.
> Can somebody help me and point me to solving the following problem:
> 1. I am writing an application where I render the needed information
> in the XML file (to be more specific GeoRSS)
> 2. I am generating the GeoRSS with the means of the GeoAtom1RSS django
> class, and passing it to HttpResponse in this way:
> response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/atom+xml')
> geoFeed.write(response, encoding)  #geoFeed is the generated GeoRSS
> return response
> So the problem is time rendering of this XML file in browser. When I
> want to see the generated RSS or XML in borwser, then the rendering is
> too slow, takes at least 25-40 seconds.
> I wrote a TestCase, where i found that the generator is not to blame
> at all, cuz selecting data from the database and generating GeoRSS
> with it takes 2-3 seconds maximum (avg: 1.5 seconds) in case the data
> is so huge.
> By switching the mimetype to text/html, the performance was really
> good and stopped at 3 seconds of the rendering.
> Is there any way to increase the speed of the GeoRSS or XML rendering
> with HttpResponse?
> Is that a known issue?
> Thanks in advance
> David

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