return u', '.join(self.facet.all())  does not work.  I believe from
Dive into Python .join expects a String:

"join works only on lists of strings; it does not do any type
coercion. Joining a list that has one or more non-string elements will
raise an exception."

But in the Python docs it says .join() takes an iterable
parameter.        self.facets.all() is a querySet, which is definitely

Basically I would like to display every field of my Sample class in
the admin view, like so:

      tag1       value1
      tag2       value2
      tag3       value3
     tag1        value4
     tag2        value5

Sample and tag are manytomany, and each tag should have one value at a
time.  It's this many to many relationship that I'm having trouble
Am I to use inlines, the "through" attribute, write a custom method,
or do I need to hack the Admin to do something which I'm thinking
should be a very common thing.


On Mar 31, 3:40 pm, Daniel Roseman <> wrote:
> On Mar 31, 8:26 pm, Daniel <> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I'd appreciate a little advice on the following:
> > I'm trying to get a unicode string representation of my model named
> > Sample.  But that Sample model has a many to many relationship with
> > another model, Facet.
> > So Sample's unicode method:
> >         def __unicode__(self):
> >                 return u'%s' %(,)
> > This will not work in the __unicode__ method, but can someone tell me
> > how to represent this? I also want to use list_display inside a
> > SampleAdmin class to allow the admin site to show all the fields of my
> > Sample model, but so far I can't display any many to many fields.
> > Thanks again
> You need to think about exactly you want to display here. You have a
> manytomany relationship. That means that each Sample has multiple
> Facets. So what do you want to show for each facet? You could join all
> the facets for each sample into a comma-separated list:
>     return u', '.join(self.facet.all())
> Is that what you want?
> --
> DR.

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