I am on trunk, somewhere around revision 127xx and just updated to
12936. A couple of my views render this one particular template, which
used to take less than a second to see a response. Now it is taking
almost a minute. The Django debug toolbar reports nothing out of the
ordinary in terms of SQL queries. Something like 12 queries in 6.42
ms. But user CPU time is nearly 1 minute.

I started removing junk from my template until it started responding
normally, and I isolated it down to a {% url %} tag. Well, I don't
think it was just one, maybe a few of them combined was adding up to a

<a href="{% url news.views.category category=story.category.id,page=1

Anyone else seeing this? Thoughts?

Maybe unrelated, but I also noticed that after I updated, I had to
change this:

{% url bio-members_full type="user",page="1" %}

to this:

{% url bio-members_full type='user',page=1 %}"

(switch to single quotes in the kwargs to pass a string literal) or I
got a template syntax error.


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