Thanks for your answers.

Well, it's working now. But I don't understand why. I just add a
LocationMatch with a regular expression (CSS, png, etc.).

But the location still not working :=°

Any idea ?

On 7 avr, 17:36, Nadae Ivar Badio <> wrote:
> hi Pep:
> Do you give permissions to apache to acces to your css directory?
> Pep wrote:
> > Hi everybody !
> > I didn't find the answer. I deployed my django project on a webserver
> > with apache. First, I started with Debug =  True and the website
> > worked fine.
> > So, I decided to do it with Debug = False. I could see my project but
> > not my CSS and other medias.
> > In the httpd.conf I just put the ServerName. I just configured the
> > file mysite in /etc/apache/sites-available/ with some Alias for the
> > media.
> > Here my virtualhost :
> >   1 <VirtualHost *:80>
> >   2   ServerAdmin
> >   3   ServerName  92.XXX.XX.XXX
> >   4   ServerAlias *
> >   5   DocumentRoot /path/to/myproject
> >   6   <Location "/">
> >   7     SetHandler python-program
> >   8     PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
> >   9     PythonPath "['/path/to/'] + sys.path"
> >  10     SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE myproject.settings
> >  11     PythonDebug Off
> >  12   </Location>
> >  13
> >  14   Alias /web /path/to/myproject/web
> >  15   <Location "/path/to/myproject/web/">
> >  16     SetHandler None
> >  17   </location>
> >  18 </VirtualHost>
> > Thanks for your help
> > PEP

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