I am resendin this email with dots instead of tabs in python code to
overcome the automatic formatting of gmail
sorry for the diuplication ;)

My form wizard is initially composed of 2 forms.

In form1 the users selects an event he wishes to attend to, enters his
name and surname etc and how many guests he will bring
form2 tells how to pay, but it is a template / dummy  form, necessary
because I do not want the form wizard to end after just 1 page (and it
should contain the payment info for the event selected in form1)

So, after submission of data in form1, the process_step function:
- deletes form2,
- inserts forms to enter data about each guest (so it is one form per guest)
- inserts the form2 'rendered' with the details of the selected events.

When the last page should be displayed (by the done method of
FormWizard) I receive the following error:
Step 2 does not exist

I suppose that the operations I do on FormWizard.form_list are not allowed.

Also it seems that the step variable from the FormWizard.process_step
signature is 0 both at the 1st step and in the last one, but this
could be an effct of my error.

Does anybody know if I am doing anything forbidden with self.form_list?

class WizardRegistrazione(FormWizard):
..def process_step(self, request, form, step):
....if step == 0:
......if (int(request.POST['0-num_invitati']) > 1) and (len(self.form_list)
== 1):
........for i in range(int(request.POST['0-num_invitati']) - 1):

..def done(self, request, form_list):
....return inserisci([form.cleaned_data for form in form_list])

Am I allowed to use self.form_list.append / pop?

The generaPA and generaFI functions create a form class:
def generaPA():
..fields = SortedDict()
..del fields['azienda']
..return type('FormPA', (forms.BaseForm,), {'base_fields': fields})

def generaFI(evento_id):
..evento = Evento.objects.get(id=evento_id)
..fields = SortedDict()
..fields['istruzioni_per_il_pagamento'] = forms.CharField(widget=Readonly(),
minima=evento.offerta_minima, evento=evento)), required=False)
..return type('FormFI', (forms.BaseForm,), {'base_fields': fields})

And here is the Readonly field:
class Readonly(forms.Widget):
..def __init__(self, tag='div', attrs=None):
....tags = ('div', 'p', 'span')
....if tag not in tags:
......raise Exception('Unsupported tag %s. Tag should be one of %s' % (tag,
....self._tag = tag
....super(Readonly, self).__init__(attrs)

..def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
....if value is None:
......value = ''
....final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, name=name)
 ....del final_attrs['name']
....return mark_safe(u'<%s%s>%s</%s>' % (self._tag, flatatt(final_attrs),
conditional_escape(force_unicode(value)), self._tag))

Could the problem be caused by the fact of the Readonly field does not
render an input field? (I need it to have a nice way to dispay payment info
for the event)

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